A Westlake Village Family Lawyer Helps You Track Your Medical Expenses

Westlake Village personal injury attorneyAn accurate, comprehensive record of all of your medical expenses is a vital part of your personal injury case. It provides you and your Westlake Village personal injury attorney with proof positive of all the money you have had to spend as a result of the hurt you sustained, and it can affect the amount of your settlement.

Whom Should I Request Statements from?
Whenever you go to see your physician, a hospital or medical center, or keep an appointment with your therapy specialist, you must require that they present you with an invoice.

Does This Include My Medications?
Absolutely. Keep the receipts for all medications prescribed for you as treatment for your injuries and any applicable fees from your pharmacist. On another list, document each relevant visit or purchase, the total fees for all services and medicines and whether the fees were paid by your insurance or out of your own pocket. This provides a tangible record of everything you have had to spend because you were hurt.

Don’t Forget Your Westlake Village Personal Injury Attorney
When it comes time for your case to settle, your attorney will require a copy of each receipt or statement and your comprehensive list of all relevant expenses if your case is to be properly resolved. Without this information, your settlement could be much smaller than is actually justified.

What if My Insurance Paid the Bill?
Whether the expenses were defrayed by your health carrier or the company you work for, it is still vital that you keep all the documentation and forward a complete set to your attorney.

Contact Your Westlake Village Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you are the victim of a personal injury, don’t wait. Call Gary Mitchell at 888-452-1846 for the help you need.

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